My friend, Danny has been employed in
the petroleum industry food service business for 30+ years and is married to a
Columbian born wife. He was raised with
me and has moved away, but loves his home town of Waveland, MS. He posted this on Facebook, so here is my
will try by explaining the "colonization"
of your back yard ..........Keep in mind that my
wisdom is limited to: USM Business
Degree in Marketing, with extra educations in communications, psychology,
economics, real estate and hospitality;
SPECIFIC educatiors include the “Head of the Clearance Corporation” of
Chicago Board of Trades 1982; Green Party Founder
and Pres. Candidate of Austria; V.P. of Bank of Austria,
a Rothschild Bank (well known for financing wars), who
taught the secrets to international money laundering after Reaganomics; Budapest Stock Exchange
with its first 7 stocks in trade (Hungary
has recently refused Rothchild's money and secured their borders); Followed and
employed a hospitality stock that went from $3 - $70+ per share in six months
in Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Dresden and Berlin following the fall of the Berlin Wall (currencies were not secure, no government existed in many places, Just FREEDOM). I celebrated World Cup Victory for a new uniting Germany in E. & W. Berlin
1990 with locals. Foosball Deutschland AA-O-AAAAAA!!!
I was taught the history of British Hong Kong
colonization and
British Rule from 1841- 1990, and the planning for future changes during
and after exit (expiring lease in 1997) by Margaret Thatcher’s assistant; Mentored
by the Int. Mkt. V.P. of British Petroleum/Int. Mkt. consultant to Royal Dutch Shell, who taught me “Colonization of America” by the “Trusted Caucasian from Europe”,
whose investments influence American consumer behavior. We toured as he
explained the “Financial Center of the
World” (London Stock Exchange), Lloyd’s of London (where we
learned that it was about individual and/or cumulative negotiations of portions
of risk with the “Jewish Bankers that control most of the world’s wealth.” He
was my mentor, one month before judgement
of I.R.S. VS. Gulf Oil Co. (founded by Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh)
dissolved the Seven Sisters, and forced a regroup of ownerships due to
their colonization/ tax deductible marketing strategy and use of small
community and big city applications of accommodations taxes to market confusion to strangers, while creating new
destinations for travel at the tax payers expense for unnecessary colonization.
As petroleum
companies destroy lives and draw lines in the names of the Kings and Queens of
the world (many of whom own the oil rights of the land of most of the
population) with Keynesian Economics in a Free World.
others, Gulf Oil owned more
land than oil, as well as controlled
Holiday Inn since 1963. American oil companies were forced to sell
the non - petroleum rich land to the owners of such investors as British Petroleum, Murphy, and other foreign oil companies
that are thought to be American own much of the
tourism assets and land of Baldwin,
Escambia, and South Mobile Counties, as well as much of the world developed
since the Great Depression and the National Highway Act of 1956.
I learned the beauty of hospitality as
a contribution to humanity by locals who met their first American travelers near
Glasgow (Culture Capital ‘90), a 1.5 hour drive from future President Trump’s resort. My front door in college
was 10 feet from the Hattiesburg
Mosque front door. I sold a series of Nelson Bibles and
education books to people of all religions. In my second year, I managed and roomed with a
man from Jerusalem and one from Baghdad, whom were recruited by Carlos of Columbia in
1991. I experienced my first “visitor’s penalty tax”
at the airport while leaving WW 2 headquarters of Royal Dutch Shell, Curacao. I thought, “Boy I can’t wait to make it to a free country like the United States of America, where such in-hospitality
would be forbidden.” Like Mississippi
people intend to be the nicest, I witnessed great hospitality while living
among the exceptional poor in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
So, here is where you can begin to understand why some
people blame the “Jews”, the masses are blamed for the “economic sodomy” (taking
advantage of the sojourner) of a few “false Jews” that control the land, people
and world wealth through banking and claims on commodities like oil with absolute
control by governments, like Mississippi, whom are loyal taxing visitors in the
interest of overconsumption of commodities to grow to Big Banks. While Secretary of State and President Obama have
abandoned the sovereignty of Israel, it important to remember that some people
are raised to see Jewish as the enemy and Israel’s best bet is on the brotherhood
of supporters. Muslims and Jews need a
solution, as do the people of Mississippi.
Thomas Jefferson warned us:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to
our liberties than standing armies,” Jefferson wrote. ”If the American people ever allow private
banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks)
will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered.”
“The issuing power of currency shall be taken from the banks
and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
As I see Donald J. Trump as
a true leader in Hospitality in the past (acquiring spiritual and economic
wealth). He should not be judged by a
few failures in Atlantic City or any place where Keynesian Theory was applied
to a politically controlled marketing system of hospitality, like I have that hope in his
appointments want to demonstrate how to save Mississippi (poorest, most
corrupt, most obese and most hospitable people) and demonstrate how Trump will save
the world by: 1.) Drive the cost of a barrel of oil to around $30 or less with protection
of labor wages for American oil, tax oil heavily and keep retail fixed below $2.20
for at least 4 years. 2.) Dissolve all special
tax on accommodations for travelers. 3.) Write EPA grants to reduce fuel consumption
in the tourism industry. 4.) Remove all
advertising rights from government, with the exception for public safety.
Atlantic City demonstrates Economic Sodomy and
Keynesian Theory - a failure for capitalism
Taxable Status About New Jersey Taxes Atlantic City: The
following chart will serve as a guide to illustrate the taxable status of
various transactions that are subject to Atlantic City luxury tax, New Jersey
sales tax, and the State hotel/motel occupancy fee.
Luxury Tax, New Jersey Sales Tax & Other Fees
Publication ANJ–17 New Jersey Division of Taxation u Technical Services Activity
Sales of alcoholic beverages by the drink, including bottles of beer, wine,
etc. opened and consumed on premises....................... 3% 7% n/a 10%
Sales of food and nonalcoholic beverages intended for
consumption on the
premises.............................................................. – 7% n/a
Rentals of apartments (except hotels or motels): • for less
than eight weeks...............................................................
9% – – 9% • for eight weeks or more ............ Rentals of rooms, apartments,
or other facilities in hotels, motels, bed and breakfast inns, rooming and
boarding houses, or similar establishments (see Notes 1 and 2): • for less than
90 days .................................................................... 9%
4% 1% 14% • for 90 days or more, but for less than one year
............................ 9% – – 9% • under a lease for one year or more
Cover charges, minimum charges, entertainment, or similar
charges in a restaurant, cafe, cabaret, hotel, or similar establishment
............ 9% 4% n/a 13%
Admission charges to any theater, moving picture exhibition
or show, pier, exhibition, or place of amusement (see Note 3) ......... 9% 4%
n/a 13%
Charges for rolling chairs, sightseeing rides, tram rides,
horoscope machines, and fortune tellers ..............................................................
9% – n/a 9%
Charges for amusement rides and rentals of beach chairs,
cabanas, and
9% 4% n/a 13%
Note 1: The State hotel/motel occupancy fee is imposed on
the rental of a room in a hotel, motel, or similar facility in New Jersey. In
most municipalities, the occupancy fee was 7% between August 1, 2003, and June
30, 2004. On and after July 1, 2004, the fee is 5%. However, in Atlantic City,
which already imposes a local tax (luxury tax) on hotel/motel occupancies, the
State occupancy fee is 1%. This fee is in addition to any other taxes and/ or
fees imposed. Note
2: Rentals of conference rooms, banquet rooms, and other
places of assembly are exempt from both sales tax and the State occupancy fee.
Note 3: Charges for admission for participant sports or to
sporting events where other State tax is collected are exempt from sales tax
Tourism Promotion Fee in Hotels, Etc. A tourism promotion
fee of either $1 or $2 per day is charged for each room rental in a hotel,
motel, inn, rooming house, etc. This fee applies to each room either occupied
or possessed by guests, other than as a place of assembly. The fee is also due
with respect to “complimentary” occupancies. The rate of $2 per day applies to
each occupied room in the case of hotels which provide casino gambling. The $1
per day rate applies to each occupied room in all other facilities. The fee is
only includible in a taxable receipt for either sales tax or luxury tax
purposes if passed along to the customer as part of the room rent, whether or
not the fee is separately stated. Casino Fees. A minimum charge of $3 a day is
imposed for the use of a parking space for parking, garaging, or storing motor
vehicles on property owned or leased by a casino hotel. For more information
see Technical Bulletin TB-22, Atlantic City Casino Parking Fees. There is also
a fee of $3 a day on each hotel room in a casino hotel that is occupied by a
guest, whether for consideration or as a complimentary item. This fee is in
addition to any other taxes and/or fees imposed on such occupancies.
in Islam, Judaism and World Banking
Under Islam, a stranger is referred to as “Ibn Al-Sabil”
(wayfarer) who is paid a lot of attention by Islam. The Qur’an considers that
it is an act of righteousness to give money to a wayfarer.
We read the following verse:
Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the
east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah ,
the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite
of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler… (Al-Baqarah
The Qur’an orders doing good to wayfarers. We read the
following verse:Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do
good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor
farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler… (An-Nisaa’ 4:36)
A wayfarer was entitled to a share in the war booty. In the
Qur’an, we read the following verse:
And know that anything you obtain of war booty – then
indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for [his] near
relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the [stranded] traveler… (Al-Anfal
A wayfarer was also entitled to a share in the Zakah
expenditures. In the Qur’an, we read the following verse:
Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy
and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for
Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the
cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by
Allah. (At-Tawbah 9:60)
Prophet Muhammad urged Muslims to give money to the wayfarers.
Abu Said Al-Khudry reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “This money is
green and sweet. It is a good companion of the Muslim who gives from it to the
orphan, the needy and the wayfarers.” (Ahmad)
According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the one
who denies a wayfarer his surplus water is one of three persons at whom God
will not look on the Day of Judgment.
People nowadays are more withdrawn. The older
generation still remembers the tradition of hospitality, when it was not only
customary to visit each other at home, but to stay the night. Now people don’t
meet “face to face” or on private territories any more, but in cafés. The home
is the external reflection of the inner being of the person! By letting someone
into our domain, we automatically open up a piece of our inner self, we reveal
our true nature, give people the chance to know us, and we open our most
valuable things to our guests – our home, family, atmosphere, traditions…
Everything that is a profound understanding of the commandment of
How should one receive
guests correctly?
1. It’s important to create psychological
comfort for the guest. People may not know you personally at all. They have simply
called the project and expressed the desire to spend Shabbat in a family.
Accordingly, they’ll feel uncomfortable and awkward, especially as they on a
“strange” territory and among unfamiliar people.
2. It’s appropriate to ask guests whether this
is their first Shabbat. This may also be another factor for their
embarrassment: they will be afraid to do something wrong, or sit tensely
through the entire meal, not understanding what is happening and why. Remember
that you should carefully explain each part of the meal and say what will
happen next. And don’t teach them manners, the person is not your pupil, but
your guest!
3. In receiving new people, provide dishes
without meat or that are not fried, as your guest may be a vegetarian or may
have stomach problems.
4. If there are factors for the receiving side
which are fundamental in the home (not to ring the doorbell, not to talk on the
telephone, or for example not to take off shoes), agree on them at the moment
of invitation, but not as a request. For example: “Please knock on the door. We
don’t use the doorbell on Shabbat”. Don’t increase discomfort by showing the
guest’s lack of knowledge.
5. When a guest asks what to bring, I reply:
“A big smile!” But if a secular person even turns him with a present, for
example with flowers, you shouldn’t tell them at the doorway that this is
incorrect. Over time they will realize this themselves. Your task at this
moment is to provide them with experience and not crush their desire to learn
about the fundaments of Judaism. It is important not to offend a person while
observing Halakha [the rules of Judaism].
6. Make toasts properly. My husband and I take
it in turns: if a person needs to leave while most of the guests are still
sitting at the table, one of us stays with the guests, and the other sees the
person off. We express our gratitude that the guest shared Shabbat with us. It
is not customary to watch a person leave, so as not to embarrass anyone: we
close the door “without long goodbyes”. On one side of our stairwell there is
lift, and on the other a staircase. On Shabbat we don’t use the lift, but it’s
up to the guest to decide how to leave.
7. In a situation when a guest has been there
for a long time, remember that the goal of hospitality is not the personal
comfort of the hosts, but of the guests who have come to visit. Perhaps the
person feels unhappy and needs to talk to people. This need is just as
important for people as food! When you hear that a guest is hungry, you lay the
table and feed them, don’t you? There are people who also have a spiritual
hunger. When they come to a family, they start to melt and enjoy the family
warmth and hearty conversation.
8. We also try to organize guests according to
their groups of interests. If we realize that our guests have a good
understanding of Halakha, we may raise profound topics at the table, discuss a
chapter of the Torah in detail and hold a dialogue.
When I asked Google if the Mellon family was
“Jewish”, it took me to a web site and read I the following at the bottom
The man was Andrew Mellon (1855-1937), who was at the time
Secretary of the Treasury and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Mellon was
privy to the hidden agenda to bring the American economy to its knees as
commanded by the International Banking Cartel, the Invisible Money Power, in
which the Rothschilds stand supreme.
The Great Depression was a premeditated attack on the
ordinary American, the middle class especially, orchestrated by the Cult of
Evil and its lackeys in banking and government, one of whom was Mellon. The
target of this attack was the ordinary hard-working person, the individual spirits
who grafted to secure for themselves and their families a degree of prosperity
that guaranteed peace of mind. The individuals who lived the "American
dream" and were the bastions of the free enterprise ethos and who
collectively were the men and women who built America. These enterprising
individuals were the prey of the wicked and evil men who dream of a global
empire in which this initiative and spirit are an anathema. In short, they, the
International Bankers, Invisible Money Power, wanted to liquidate the
bourgeoisie, the middle class of America.
The "worthy people" Mellon alludes to are the Wall
Street Bankers, the American arm of the international banking hydra that is
milking society dry. Moreover, when the deliberately created collapse of the
American economy occurred the middle class that had worked so hard to create
what wealth it had, were ground under the heel of the international usurer who
went about buying up America.
As the depression grew ever worse, prices and values kept
going down and money became increasingly scarce. House prices plummeted and
money had almost disappeared from the American scene and panics swept across
the land. In the contrived chaos the usurer and his minions swept across
America, buying up property whose prices had collapsed to almost nothing. The
International Bankers had bought America on the cheap: they had bought it at
ten cents on the dollar. In short, the American people had been deliberately,
premeditatedly, completely, denuded of their savings and labours by the monster
that is the "banking system."
The sinister role of the Federal Reserve System in this
operation was great indeed. Since the group of seven men on the Federal Reserve
Board, as well as the directors of the twelve Federal Reserve Regional Banks,
could have ended the "Great Depression" in two weeks if they had a
mind to do so. Nevertheless, they did not because their agenda was not to
preserve the "American dream" but to destroy it. They wanted to
exacerbate the depression to accomplish long-range objectives that were
concealed from the American people.
The International Banking system was created to bring about
controlled economic cycles of "boom and bust" that operates for one
purpose and one purpose only. To liquidate the middle class whenever they
become successful enough to approach independence, economic independence free
of the usurer. The raison d'être of the banking system is to provide the means
and wherewithal whereby the Cult of Evil can enslave humanity. The role of the
Rothschilds in this move to enslave the world is pivotal, for without them the
movement towards global tyranny would be have been somewhat different. The
apparent disappearance of the Rothschilds from the public arena and their
rehabilitation as "private bankers" of integrity and good reputation
and as major altruists to numerous "good causes" is a masterful job
of deception. They may have ducked from publicity but they most certainly have
not gone away nor has their power diminished.
Look at my map for the poverty ridden Mississippi Gulf Coast
tourism environment which is following Atlantic City’s lead of growing a
tourism bureau to control the market in the interest of a few through corrupt
leadership on the Board, starting with the 37th largest American Bank’s
founder’s grandson, that serves as President of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Regional
Convention and Visitors Bureau, managing $4 million dollars to promote business
and the two best known family attractions lost sales this year and saw their
greatest year to date before the first casino in 1992. Visit
to view our Mississippi Gulf Coast map on Facebook.
Do your part. Please cut and paste in
an email and send it to
with a message of confidence to President Elect Donald Trump and my team actually
knowing what we are doing. Ask Mississippi to “Tithe 10%” of the BP settlement money to Tourism Business Solutions
to repair the damage caused by the corruption of Keynesian Theory applied to
marketing management, exposed in this blog.
Thank You. Please make comments.