Tuesday, July 26, 2005

1992 Testimony of international engineer concerning America’s Greatest President

After 4 weeks of sleeping in Veruzka’s bed, as she slept with her mother, Hank decided to leave with his last $150 of his original $524 and found a historic downtown hotel in Maricaibo, Venezuela in late October 1992. As Hank made conversation with another man sitting at the bar, he took criticism that Americans don’t know how to make cheese. As he argued the finer points, the Swiss engineer was having a great time communicating English with Hank as they shared beers, nuts and cheeses. He claimed to speak 5 other languages well. He also explained the cost of local labor market.

As Hank inquired about his career with 9 months of international travel on the job per year, Hank fished for stories of missing his homeland. Instead, Stefan told Hank the reason that he was no longer a resident of Switzerland. “Socialized medicine and retirement sound good to some people with lower job skills, however I put in my time working in other countries and could only enjoy many more benefits after retirement. Instead of paying 50%+ tax, I’ve made residency in Iran, where income is not taxed. I make a lot of money using a great education and working hard hours in other countries, I don’t deserve to be taxed so heavily.” So he steamed. Hank then realized he was talking to a more productive member of society that was chased out of society through higher taxes.

The TV displayed a picture of President George H.W. Bush and his primary contender Bill Clinton, Stefan asked Hank, “So, for whom are you voting in the election?” Hank didn’t hesitate to say, “George Bush.” “That’s good, since he’s your country’s greatest president in history,” stated Stefan.

Hank was shocked to hear such praise two years after his last visit to East Europe. While Hank agreed that he received a great welcome in Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Berlin and Budapest as many had praised the United States and President Bush in 1990. This was only months following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Hank agreed with American conservative gossip that Reagan was the hero deserving more praise from a European, so he asked for an explanation.

“It’s a matter of world economics, young man!” so he exclaimed. “Since America is the greatest trader with the richest foundations of which to build in the world, the relationship between other world leaders determines every economy around. The whole world rotates on the American dollar bill!” He continued, “The only thing you can pin on your presidency is international diplomacy, everything else goes for Congressional or Judicial approval. George Bush is the finest diplomat your country has every produced, and because of that, you should prosper for many years to come. His diplomacy made the whole world wealthier, and since you’re the greatest trading partner….. Hank was at first like, “yeah right buddy” but he kept quiet and continued to listen attentively.

Since he had toured a representation of the Hungarian Stock Exchange, United Nations Building, and London Stock Exchange in 1990, while studying international economics in Vienna, Hank was quite confident that he had a real understanding of world economics. Stefan looked at him, smiled, and began to explain, “You must imagine every country with rich people in it, who have money to invest. And assume a local stock exchange opportunity to invest in their’ own country.

However, to secure the investment, the investors around the world will only invest where they are confident in a return on investment. One of the things that built America is the investment by outsiders that weren’t confident in their own country’s relationship with the world’s greatest trading partners. So they converted their money (which lost money in the transaction), then invested in America where their money was secure.”

“Since George Bush is a diplomat, first, more investors gained confidence in their own county’s leadership, where they then invested, and are subject to grow their own economy with greater buying power for American goods. You see, it makes the whole circle as more people around the world become greater consumers of the opportunities in life.” All Hank could think of was that Zig Ziglar tape quoting, “You can get anything in life anything you want, if you simply help enough people get what they want.” Hank drew tears when he thought back to his international travels where he still prays for his international friends’ future.

Hank was then convinced that George Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara were America’s greatest assets ever elected to the Presidency. If society could only have kept them in the presidency for 12 more years, Hank knows that all his people could retire early and travel the world spreading wealth. Economic Alchemy seemed guaranteed before that election.

The next eight years were the most depressing of Hank’s life. After all, honesty, character and integrity are what we should always maintain for leadership. Hank only hopes that their son, George W, can continue with the same diplomacy. God Bless America!

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